
I am a generic internet user with many personal interests, expressing them in various forms. Most of my work, hobbies, and whatnot will likely appear here.


  • Gaming
    • Arma 3: I tend to make more freeflow scenarios, encouraging the use of Zeus. I plan to expand into making proper campaign missions, but cannot share additional details.
    • Armored Warfare: Better than Gaijin’s grindfest.
    • HITMAN: Excellency in open-ended game design for freedom of approach.
    • DCS World: Peak simulation… minus many flaws.
  • Digital Artwork
    • Blender: Working in Blender 3.6 and 4.0. Learning the basics of good rendering and hope to expand into actual proper modeling for environments.
    • Arma 3: Believe it or not, you can make decent stuff in Arma with some mods and knowledge of Splendid.
    • Garry’s Mod (former): Decided to move on to Blender, but gmod is a good starting platform for things like this.
    • DCS World: The graphics for a sim like this are great and allow for some stunning images.
    • No AI! Pick up a pencil or a game/digital program and learn.

Most of my work can be found in my portfolio.